Kinda Before Horrigans

By horrigansbefore

Blue kisses

Some of the blueberries in our garden - final image on my Kinda Horrigans journal. This is the description of the editing that went into that shot...

Taken with an 85mm lens plus a Raynox 150 adaptor, hand-held in rubbishy light! Did very little processing on this one. Opened the RAW file (with the clarity increased by +10 and the blacks at +7 and the exposure at +0.45) in Photoshop, created three layers...

Hue/Saturation: +10 saturation
Brightness/Contrast: +10 contrast
Levels: moved the middle slider 10 to the right

Then used a black brush on the levels and brightness/contrast layers to tone them down so that detail wasn't lost in the dark areas. Flattened, then duplicated the layer and used the lens correction filter to apply a slight vignette. Applied it, then added a layer mask to the vignette layer to remove the vignetting from everywhere other than the bottom left of the image. Sharpened edges and that was that.

It sounds like way more effort than it was! I have the three layers bit saved as an action so that only ever takes seconds to use.

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