Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Blue poppy

Would you believe I chose to clear out the loft today because it was very cloudy this morning ?

I was really looking for my father's accordion because I had seen an advert from a well known local accordionist who is giving lessons. Any way I worked into the afternoon when the sun came out but , off course, couldn't leave the job unfinished. The accordion had been put in the most inaccessible corner of the loft so everything had to be moved . Now all is sorted , the car is full of itens for the Red Cross and the SIR charity shop and there is a pile in the shed to be taken to the local dump. Great sense of satisfaction in getting this all done and I phoned Fraser re the lessons.

We did manage a long walk along the loch shore with Oscar - no camera . I wanted a walk where I could just savour the warmth of the sun , enjoy the lovely shadow play on the tree lined walk , the smells of the wild flowers and the sounds of the birds and the waves lapping on the sore. All so enjoyable and yes I spotted some wildlife which would have given me an opportunity to practise using my new lens. That's life and I wasn't even bothered.

The garden provided tonight's blip. I loved the light and shadows on this beautiful little flower which I am sure is a poppy. Yes I did plant it but the label had come off the bag so I am having great fun seeing what is growing in the pots, lots of lovely surprises.
Hope you had a good day too.

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