Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Slightly Late

Busy , busy day today. Went to the cofee morning in the village hall. We have one every alternate Tuesday for the golden oldies. When I retired I really didn't want to go along as that was admitting I was an oldie. So glad I did finally decide to go though, the chat is good as well as the cakes etc and it raises much needed funds for the village hall. We're busy organising our annual gala weekend which takes place in August. Lots of fun things , like a baking competition for men only.More about this nearer the time.

This afternoon we had a fantastic time meandering around the Taynish nature reserve, through the oakk wood walk, down to the rapid water walk, along the seashore walk , round the old mill and up to the pond. Spent about 4 hours wandering. Got lots of shots of blue damsel flies, 2 different types of dragonfly . a heron in flight ( still not good enough) a wonderful golden spider and some scenic shots... and I finally managed to see some butterflies, mainly cabbage whites and some tiny dark brown ones which hid in the long grass , too camera shy.

Late upload tonight as I was spoiled for choice but finally decided that, since Ihave been moaning for weeks about no butterfly , it had to be the cabbage white.

Hope you all had a great day and thanks so much for putting my blue flower in the spotlight and for the correct ID.

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