mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Bambini Feet

Had an interesting day with the boys today.

This morning Logan had a 'nappy' incident which meant both of us needed our clothes changed. I'll spare you the details but let just say it was not a nice way to start my week.

In the afternoon we went to Vogrie to meet my friend S and her twins. This was lovely and we had a really nice wander around. Aidan would've loved it but he was at nursery today.

Our car is making a funny noise and this worried me all day. Mr Mono is going to take the car to the garage tomorrow.

We ended up leaving Vogrie later than I had expected and I needed to drive straight to nursery to get Aidan. He has a cough so only had a short nap today and was very tired this evening. While we were at nursery Logan thought it would be nice to be sick down my top and the bjorn. Great.

When we got home I was rushing around as Logan was crying (he hates the car seat and often does this), I needed to make dinner (I normally do this before I collect Aidan from nursery) and get Aidan's snack ready (I also normally prepare this before I collect him). I was washing his fruit when I heard a bang. I turned around to find Aidan saying 'oh dear'. He had lifted the 'mucky' Cheeky wipes container and dropped it, spilling it's contents all over the utility room floor and himself. Staring at this with Logan still screaming in the Living room I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. I could tell by Aidan's face that he was really surprised this had happened and looked like he might cry as he was so tired.

I quickly took his wet things off, gave him his snack and asked him to go for a seat in the living room. Then I got Logan out the car seat and in his bouncy chair. As I headed back to the puddle that was the utility room Mr Mono arrived home. Must have been a lovely sight to be greeted with. A soggy utility room, half dressed Aidan and screaming Logan. Welcome home :-)

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