mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


Logan snoozing in the afternoon sun. Well, the bit of sun that was streaming through the window. I shut the blinds after this as I was worried he'd get to warm but I think he was fine.

Busy day today. Mr Mono took the car to the garage in the morning leaving Logan and I without the car for the day. I had made Logan an appointment for the doctors so I popped him in the Bjorn and walked along. The doctor has prescribed eye cream for his sore eye. I was at the doctors 3 weeks ago for his sore eye and she told me it would get better by itself. Hmmm. Anyway 10 days of eye cream and hopefully it'll improve. After that I walked down to the baby clinic to get Logan weighed. Why they moved the baby clinic to the community centre instead of keeping it in the GP surgery, I'll never know. Anyway I got Logan weighed but the HV didn't write his weight in his red book! Doh! I saw that he was 6 point something kilos on the scales though. Oh well, she plotted it on the graph but the scale isn't very accurate. He's following his centile so I guess that means he's fine.

On the way home we went into Scotmid and I got a magnum to eat on the sunny walk home. Logan always 'forces' me to get an ice-cream :)

When we got in Mr Mono phoned to let me know the car repair is going to cost...over £700. Ouch! They need to order in a part so the car is away over night, thankfully they've given us a courtesy car in the meantime.

Grandma (my mum) came over to see what's involved in putting both boys to bed. I thought it had been a very smooth process, much better than some weeks I've had. My mum described it as 'traumatic', lol! I guess it probably is to watch.

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