Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

On lover and love

After yesterday's blip, where The Boyfriend hijacked it as I was not feeling like writing or taking photos at all, I've perked up a bit. I've known all along that underneath the ink and silliness, he is a truly lovely man with a beautiful soul. He sometimes struggles verbalising how he feels, which all of us do from time to time... And, well... He is a man, after all. But I was quite emotional when he sent me what he planned for my blip. A few spelling mistakes aside, he was so clear and articulate. And very heartfelt. I definitely picked a keeper with him.

So, from one love to another. Another love that keeps me slightly sane. My guitar! Her name is Madeleine, and she is beautiful. Not an expensive 'look at me' guitar. Just a guitar. But she is mine. She has the most amazing sound. And I do all my songwriting on her, then use one of my (or The Boyfriend's) expensive 'look at me' guitars for recordings and gigs. Poor Madeleine doesn't have pick up.

When I play, I am in another place entirely. Nothing else around me matters. Nothing hurts. It's just me and my music. It's an escape, as well as a passion.

Not sure why, but I quite like that you can see where my fingers have been by the lack of dust in some places... I really should clean Madeleine soon, though.

I always finish up with a quote from a song that I feel relates to my photo and write up. Given that I've talked about my two loves, I think it's fitting I actually use some of my own lyrics today. A song written about The Boyfriend, written using Madeleine.

"How can it be, the hand that holds mine delicately
Does the things that yours does?
How can it be, the heart that loves so cautiously
Loves me the way yours does?"
~ How Can It Be - Katherine Bath

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