Capital adventures

By marchmont

Spinning around

Today's good bits:

going back to French after about 8 weeks and finding all is not lost

walking through Princes Street Gardens in the sunshine and seeing happy people - the kids on the carousel and the sunbathers on the grass. I felt I should be on the look-out for that blipstar D77. A bit like 'Where's Wally?', you never know where he's going to turn up next.

the 2nd brown bin arriving, 3 months after it was ordered

Today's bad not so good bits:

not having my own back door and garden when the sun is shining.

not solving my connectivity problem (warning, rant follows)

what is it about telecomms companies that they can't/won't communicate? My problems with France Telecom/Orange were legion (you really don't want to know). Now I seem to be stuck in an endless triangle with O2, VirginMedia and BT. O2 provide my mobile phone service including my wonderful, smart, new, Android Galaxy Ace. VirginMedia supply my internet and wifi at home. The phone sometimes thinks the home wifi is disabled so I have to connect manually or it defaults to 3G. I've tried the recommended fix gleaned from internet fora, it didn't work. O2 (on-line chat with a Guru) say it's a Virgin problem. Virgin, after 10 minutes waiting for them to go through all the 'you now have 5 options' options put me through to someone in India who isn't the right person and then to someone in Glasgow who is but says if I want the problem looked at I'll have to join their home support scheme - £10 a month for a min of 6 months - £60!!

Then there's BT Openzone - H. One of the inclusions with O2 is free access to BT Openzone and Cloud. But BT Openzone - H isn't really Bt Openzone, it's someone's home hub so it doesn't allow others i.e. me, to connect to the internet, but the phone still sees it and thinks it's a network. When I'm at my parents I can't connect to their wifi as BT Openzone - H elsewhere in the building takes priority. O2 (phone call) say it's a BT problem. BT (20 mins on hold listening to the 'why don't you try our website' messages say it's an O2 problem. Me, I'm in the middle. Today O2 say it's a BT problem but maybe 'forgetting' BT Openzone - H will sort it. Who knows?

I know in the scale of things, and with what is happening elsewhere, it's minor, it's not life threatening after all, but the 'grrrr' factor is immense. No wonder we become grumpy old women and resort to alcohol. A bit more zen and chill is needed I think.

But to-night I have to do that list of things I really don't want to do. And tomorrow, if the sun shines I'll be out in the garden, with the book, promise.

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