Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Fair Day

First day of the Coos County Fair, and we went with another couple, one of whom also had some photos entered in the fair. We exercised great restraint, eating when we first arrived and going to check the exhibit when we finished. Our friend is part of a local photography club and had helped hang the photos, but promised not to go check on them after the judging before we all could go together. Since he knew where his photos hung and he knew where mine and my husband's category was, he guided us past our category first. Of the five photos I entered, three placed...which was pretty fun!

The lighting at the fair was terrific this evening. My blipfolio has a colorful assortment of the animals and overall carnival scene. I should have photographed the fair food! Mmmm, nope, I was too busy eating it to photograph it!

Kitty Hunting received an honorable mention.
Oregon Dunes, one that many of you gave me kind comments on on Blip, received a blue ribbon.
A Flurry of Gulls, which I just called "Sunset" on the entry form, received a red ribbon.

Next we located my Humble Beloved's giant snail on strawberries, a favorite of mine! The judges obviously have something personal against snails, as the little guy did not receive his due recognition! Hrumph!! My Contraptioneer was a wonderful sport however and shed no tears, nor did he curse the judges....good you, honey!!

On we moved to our friend's photos. He had some wonderful action photos taken at sports events and an excellent architectural abstract which fooled the eye and was absolutely fabulous! He did earn ribbons on some of the action work, but they really missed it on the abstract when they failed to recognize it. Hrumph again, but he too was a good sport.

A big Shout Out to our friends who took us along to the fair this year!!!!!!
It has been a very fun day!!!!

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