It is a beautiful life-

By domo


I had a fun time running around with my friend Matt today. We wandered around aimlessly for several hours this afternoon and photographed nearly every part of our town from the beaches to the downtown that is trying really hard to be an actual downtown to the inside of our local public library. To end the day, we got slushies and then headed off in our own directions. It was really nice.


While we were downtown photographing we ran across these really old buildings with bricks falling off. We wandered down the alley and started snapping away. In the process of that, an escalade came down the alley. The guy in it rolled down his window and asked us what we were doing. His many questions included, but were not limited to: What are you guys doing? Who do you work for? Are you trying to get me in trouble for not having my buildings up to code? Why do you want pictures of my bricks? My answers were mostly me repeating myself telling him that we were just students who loved taking pictures, and that we were not trying to get him in trouble for having not up to code photos.
He eventually decided that we were no threat and he drove off.
Matt and I saw him two more times that day


Later at work, I had three different people come in at different times and tell me all of their life problems. It was kind of nice knowing that people trust me enough without really knowing me to tell me these things. That, or I've just become the make shift barbershop and they see me as a familiar face and just chose to talk.


Earlier today I was saw one of my campers from the summer camp that I work at for kids. It was cool seeing her, but her knowing me so well made the other kids believe that they knew me really well as well (I was lifeguarding for school swimming lessons) and I got about 15 wet hugs. I also ended up taking over the level two out of water instruction - which basically means that I stood in front of about 25 children, explain to them EVERYTHING that will be going on for a good 15 minutes and then send them on their way. Anyone who knows me knows that unless I havea prepared speech, I'm pretty awful at public speaking. I pulled this off like a pro. One of the other guards told me that I should boss one day with the way that I am able to take control. I told her I have more confidence at the Y than I do anywhere else in my life, even at camp. It was nice to hear that though.

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