Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

The Blip that never was!

Whilst walking down to the High Street lunchtime, I thought I'd struck gold when I saw two butterflies quietly perched amongst the undergrowth; I got out my camera and took some snaps. Sadly the camera is not quite up to the job and when I previewed them you couldn't see the butterflies because they were too small. So foiled again I set off again to get some lunch, but as I turned around I got this great view of the church between two trees on the drive, thought it looked really good and hence why I've posted it.

A total disaster in work today my mobile phone has gone pop, the SIM card has gone for the second time and I'm not going to get a replacement until next week. Until I get that I can only hope that I've still got all my contacts saved on the phone, otherwise you'll see a grown man cry! And then to really rub salt in the wound my laptop went kaput, it was already dying because of the power lead, but now it looks like it really has had its day. Mind you it is 7 years old so it's had a good innings.

And of course all this is on top of problems on the M4 after yesterday's fire, so to save me getting stuck in traffic jams I've decided to stay over tonight.

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