An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Shhhh....don't tell anyone....

But do you know, I think flies are gorgeous!

Strangely and grotesquely gorgeous I grant you....but gorgeous nonetheless in a hairy legged, bug-eyed, petrol-in-a-puddle coloured torso and diaphanous winged body kind of a way!

I mentioned my fly infatuation to a friend who looked at me with such abject horror and disgust puzzlement that I decided never to mention it to anyone who has never had the pleasure of owning and using a macro lens! I figure only fellow blippers will understand my fly fascination.

The fly captured in today's blip isn't the best example of what I am on about but then again, I suppose not all flies can be the Marilyn Monroe of the fly world.

I got some cracking shots of flies in France. Those continental fly babes are something else. Now that I have figured out how to upload to my Blipfolio, I may treat you to some of those pics :D

So, now that I've got that little confession off my chest, back to today. Don't normally work on Fridays but due to taking Monday off to provide my child with childcare, I was in today.

Straight after work I headed back to the spot from Tuesday's blip as there were some cracking thistles there that I wanted to capture.

Got loads of thistle shots that I am very happy well as a couple of shots featuring this fly. Now, given what I have just said above, when the choice came down to a full shot of a very proud Scottish thistle, or the cropped top of a thistle featuring a fly....there really was no competition!

And I want to share another poem with you (not one of mine you'll be glad to hear) but another fav from my childhood written by William Oldys (1687 - 1761)

On a Fly Drinking Out of his Cup

BUSY, curious, thirsty fly!
Drink with me and drink as I:
Freely welcome to my cup,
Couldst thou sip and sip it up:
Make the most of life you may,
Life is short and wears away.

Both alike are mine and thine
Hastening quick to their decline:
Thine 's a summer, mine 's no more,
Though repeated to threescore.
Threescore summers, when they're gone,
Will appear as short as one!

So, blip done, gonna sit outside in the sunshine (on our decking again! Woo hoo!) and have a cold Peroni, chinese takeaway and enjoy catching up with all your blips.

Happy Friday Peeps and have a fab weekend. xx

PS - Best viewed LARGE

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