
By appertunity

Which way now?

Spotted this chap on the way to work & I'm sure he was drunk at 7:30am, he seemed very jolly anyway!

(I'm not judging - been there as well but usually it's been a continuation of the night before! Clubbing in Sydney, Australia for a 48hrs non stop was quite an experience).

At times my relationship with alcohol has been destructive but overall it's been a good thing and as I've gotten older I've learnt how to spot my own limits and discover a few of the underlying reasons for my social drinking.

As a social lubricant it's great but there's a fine line between that warm chatty feeling & just one more pint leading to loud incoherent babble or worse tears!

I've never been a violent drunk, I lean more towards self pity when very drunk lol

I think we need to be more honest & less hypocritical about our drug consumption (prescription & illegal) in the UK

I feel each drug needs to be legal & each dealt with in a different manner appropriate to the problems & benefits of each.

Heroin for example should be available on prescription for existing users thereby eliminating the criminal market for it & solving a host of social ills (crime would half overnight) whilst enabling addicts to get clean slowly & safely.

Cannabis should be decriminalised if not fully legalised especially more medical use.

Ecstasy should be available from certified distributors so people are taking safe controlled doses etc

Alcohol is far more harmful than many illegal drugs.

It's how drugs are used, by who & what for that causes damage.

We are a strange species, we need to get off our faces (or just shift our perspective slightly even if that just means a glass of wine on an evening).

Perhaps it has something to do with our brains? There have been suggestions that our intelligence is a result of evolving with the aid of psychedelics (mushrooms, mescaline etc) and nearly all tribal cultures have some form of drug use.

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