Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

P.N.E.F.C. emblem.

Pne's 1 st home game on Sunday 31/07/2011. We are playing the pie eaters, although present company excepted, we are rather fond of the meat&potato objects as well. This symbol also represents Preston itself, town or city, call it it what you will. This symbol is I believe also called the lamb of St. Wilfred. One of my flickr friends, George.D. Thompson, submits many photographs of St. Wilfred's church, which is beautiful, and in its heyday, was probably the most prosperous Roman Catholic church in the town, which is reflected in the quality of the church itself. I went to the local grammar school, which was run by Jesuits. On the top of every page we had to write, A.M.D.G. Phillistine that I was, from a prominent Phillistine family, I was in my 50's before I realised that it meant, to the greater glory of god. Or words to that effect. This is also written large in or on the church wherever there is room. There are some other stranger marks, that look like a reverse swastika, which I am reliably informed has an entirely different meaning.

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