mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Beautiful Boys

Aidan kissing his little brother. He does this a lot. I know the boys are both very young but you can sense a closeness between them already. Logan's eyes follow Aidan whenever they are in the same room together. Aidan often asks me 'baby?' if Logan isn't in the room or if I've moved him. I feel they are both very interested in each other and it's lovely to watch. I hope they will grow up to be great friends.

We had a lovely day today. This morning we went to the Botanic Gardens to meet some friends from the antenatal classes I went to when I was pregnant with Aidan. It's lovely to meet up and see our toddlers running around together.

After lunch we came home so Aidan could have a nap. We had intended to also go out this afternoon to a fair that a friend was helping to organise. However by the time Aidan was up from his nap, Logan needed fed and we had missed the end of the fair. Very disappointing as it sounded like it was going to be a great day.

I'm looking forward to a wee 'blip mummies' meet tomorrow. Think I may have just put some extra pressure on myself to come up with a good blip tomorrow...oops!

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