The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Dusk falls over Longleat Lake

Day 2 at Longleat.

Great day today. We had a bit of a lazy morning to recharge the batteries after yesterday's nightmare journey and then headed out to the attractions of Longleat.

We started off with lunch which was a frustrating affair as we had decided not to do a packed lunch but to buy lunch at one of the food outlets. There's £18 we'll never see again and the kids both left most of it moaning that they didn't like it.

Anyway, given that we are here for the week and have a passport ticket that allows one visit to everything, we have managed to fit in most activities already. Problem is that they have longer opening hours for the school holiday, which is eminently sensible but meant that we just kept going and are once again shattered.

We did manage another evening walk through the grounds as it is so peaceful after the crowds have left for the day and it feels a bit naughty to be there. That walk resulted in another blip tonight as I couldn't resist this photo of the evening sky reflected in the lake.

So kids in bed, cool drinks being drunk by the adults and using my wi-fi connection to hit the blips.

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