W8man on the Web

By w8man

Family Feuds

This was the venue for Lunch today... we sat outside 'the old lodge' in glorious sunshine enjoying first class food.

What you see here is the old Gatehouse, built in 1604. It has an interesting story to it.

Around 1670 two sisters named Margaret and Mary 'Eure' were left a mansion house, but alas the two girls only squabbled over who actually owned the now long forgotten home. So the local sheriff felt the right thing to do was to knock the house down and leave each of them a big pile of stones.

Fortunately for them (and us today) they were able to settle their feud before the same happened to this, the gatehouse.

I can only imagine how big the house that once stood must have been.

During the first world war the gatehouse was used as a hospital.

Today it's a place to stay, venue for weddings and a great place to eat when roast of the day is beef.

It's in North Yorkshire.

If you look very closely just to the left of centre near the last set of windows far left are two figures that's Marie and Dad.

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