an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs

Calculus of ( )

So, they came. Yes, yes, I know. It wasn't a very important package, just much anticipated - pair number five. To refresh, in case you've forgotten all my Toms, click here for a visual, or read below.

1. Black with Writing - Arguably completely worn out; deemed unwearable by many.
2. White with Silver Pattern - Bought a size too small. Aren't super comfortable, and also have worn at least one hole in the toe.
3. Plain Black - Still going strong.
4. Elephants - These are in sorry shape. The glue melted on one of them (I blame this on one too many washings). I think I can repair it with some glue and thread and a little time, but for now I haven't been wearing them.
5. Calculus - I needed a decent colorful pair, black wasn't doing it for me.

I always wonder what some other people do regarding footwear. I joke that I have two pairs of shoes: Toms and my running shoes. That's a little bit of an exaggeration - I have a pair of cute 20's style loafers I wear when going out somewhere nice (and a pair of heels, for that day when I finally date someone tall enough that I can wear them....maybe soon?), and I wear Converse at the job I currently work at. But rarely otherwise. Clearly I just like Toms.

I also have a tendency to keep shoes forever. I never can let a well-loved pair go. My Converse are the only pair I've ever had (bought in 2001 - god are they really 10 this year?!) and are literally falling apart. I might have to blip them eventually.

Evan gives me a hard time about it - doesn't understand why I can't let them go. Shoes just say a lot for me, so much more than clothes (which I have no problem parting with). It's the ones I wear every day, through all kinds of crazy experiences, that I can't part with.

Anybody else weird about their shoes?

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