my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Rainbows apologise for angry skies

Day 6

Lazy start to the day today - we all headed off to Pizza Hut and then for ice creams on the prom.

The afternoon brought trips on a speedboat for me and the girls. Result? Me, Evie and Sophie now want to buy a speedboat. Lily and Jeanne hated it and Jeanne has refused to ever go on one again. But I was proud that she tried it as she is a bit risk averse!

Then 10 pin bowling - Sophie won but Evie put up a good fight :)

Night time on the funfair, I love it when it's all lit up.

The day has been a mixture of ups and downs...someone has been extremely cruel to me online pretending to be another person. And my mum went into hospital today for her cancer op.

But, I saw this amazing sight this evening. Beautiful rainbow over Scarborough harbour. And it gave me hope for the future.

"Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear."

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