happily ever after...

By thir13en

new piercing!

got my industrial pierced today!!! it's that bar off to the left, on the upper part of my ear.

it pierces through the outer ridges of your ear... the older industrial pierced through the centre (conch) of your ear, & up through the top part of your ear...

piercings were 2 for 40$ at wild ink in cobourg... it was either an industrial, or my nose for a second time on the same nostril, & my tragus (the pointy bit right next to your ear canal... it's what holds in ear plugs/ear buds..)

next time! nostril & tragus... this time... industrial

the bar is ENORMOUS... but it's to accomodate for swelling... i never ever swell when i get pierced, but you can't tell a piercer who isn't your friend that.. they have standards to uphold & putting in jewelry thats gonna cut into you isn't in their plans/options.

i'll have to drop it down in size... plus i want a cute barbell... or just two captive bead rings... haven't decided

either way. and industrial piercing for 40$ is a steal.. they used to be 120$ then they dropped down to 80$... they're still considered in most places to be a specialty piercing.. so they're not included in deals like this 2/40$ thing....

dan also got 2 piercings, he got his eyebrows (which were previously done vertically, twice) horizontally, twice... the barbells are a bit big, but mine is also enormous... so we'll downgrade when we can

Dan had made an appt to give blood... but since we just got pierced, neither of us can give blood, until 6 months from now.. since thats the last time we were exposed to needles... the want the ability to detect HIV before passing on blood.. so they just turn people away until 6 months after they've had something pierced/tattooed/fucked... for all i know..

either way.. i'm happy :)
i fought desperately with myself about getting an anti-eyebrow done... i would LOVE one.. but i'm afraid of what my mom would say :P as lame as that sounds..

eventually i'll wind up having it done anyways.. i'm just putting it off, because of the possibility of it leaving scars/my mom hating me :/

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