Kenspeckle Applies

Madness in the form of the Fringe has come to the City centre.
There may well be more pensioners than under 25s in the land, but it would appear that most of the latter are here in the High street, lying on the cobbles, stripping off to their underwear, walking around on bare feet, shinning up advertising columns, singing, juggling, acting and thrusting fliers into every passing tourist.

Despite the dire forecast of rain, the sun shone during the morning as His Lordship and I tripped the light fantastic through the throng of acting wannabes, avoiding as many givers- out of fliers as we could, while taking photos and trying to circumvent the tourists with the biggest lenses.

You can't help but be amazed at the youthful exuberance of these young people.
As his Lordship commented, it must be wonderful to come here for 3 weeks as a student and adopt a completely different lifestyle and persona for the duration.
I think he may be rather jealous.
Perhaps he could learn to juggle, or eat fire and he could perform in the High street with a bunnet at his feet and collect the coins.

We sat with our coffees at a street table on GeorgeIV th bridge watching the world go by just long enough for the drizzle to start . Time to go home.

The Lady Boys of Bangkok are performing in a marquee not two stones throw from our door, and we have been warned by other residents that it may sound as though we are participating.

My blip is of a kenspeckle character who was not part of the fringe, but who posed for me nevertheless.

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