A Late Developer

France is a land of cyclists.
There are young thin skinny ones,there are little kids on tiny racing bikes cycling with their families and going at enormous speeds and there are more mature ones with padding not best suited to Lycra, but wearing it with pride anyway.
It's good to know we're not the oldest or fattest by any means.

There are posses of varying ages in team outfits dazzling to the eye and there are His Lordship and I dressed in team Aldi.
Even our bikes look distinctly British with racks for panniers and mud guards for inclement surfaces, riding alongside skinny tyred light racing bikes with no mudguards or additions.
Do we care? Well maybe a little. We do feel a little dowdy, but we cycle with them trying not to feel smug that despite our sartorial gaffes, we Brits won their Tour.

Our run today was delightful and was easily followed as it was marked out on the road with arrows.
However the getting to and from the start point was a trifle fraught as it is 5 miles away on the other side of Niort and the signage is not brilliant.
We followed fellow cyclists there, but had to find our own way back.
As you see we made it and celebrated with a beer and a shandy.

PS. I must apologise to my subscribed for not being able to comment at the moment. It is hard enough to stay connected to WiFi to post my blip far less spend any more time on the Internet. Hotels really do make it hard.

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