Cannibal Col...

He doesn't actually savour the taste of human flesh but he is a monster on a skateboard. Colin is from Carluke and has recently joined the ranks, along with his brother, of Scottish skaters that have been picked up and sponsored by American board companies. It always amazes me how a country with weather so unfavourable to the sport manages to churn out world renowned skaters. Is equally amazing how little exposure these people get outside of the sport in the mainstream sporting media.

This is Colin throwing down one of his ollie indy nose picks that he has completely nailed and does in his own very recognizable style.

Today was the date of the Killin' the Kirk Falkirk skate jam which Youngo has tirelessly put on without fail for the past 5 years or so. A brilliant grass roots event which is part of the allure of skateboarding for me. Events in skateboarding for skateboarders, by skateboarders.


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