It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Mum had a great day!

Well, today I haven't seen mum ALLLLLL day. It was most wierd. It is the first time since I came home to live with them that she has ever left me all day!

I did get to spend the day with daddy though, so it was GREAT! I had two lovely walks with him but I stayed on the lead today as I have had such a lot of running this week that my legs were aching!

Mum went to Bicester shopping village to suprise Miss Buttercup when she met up with Kirstie for some shopping. They wanted to give her a lovely suprise as she is really having a horrible time at the moment.

Daddy gave mum some spending money as it is mum's birthday next week, so she was able to go and treat herself to some things and BOY she made the most of it!

She said that she met Kirstie first and they went for a coffee to wait for Miss Buttercup to arrive. Then when she rang to say she was on the way, mum hid in the toliet and snuck in a little later to fling her arms around her and suprise her!! She said it was lovely to see the look on her face when she realised that both her and Kirstie were there. It was great!

Mum had birthday presents from both of them and she opened them early. Miss Buttercup knew that Kirstie was planning on seeing mum next week for lunch so she had happened to bring mum's present with her! How great!! Mum was allowed to sit and open her presents today (I am sure that isn't really allowed is it??!)

Anyway first she opened Miss Buttercup's present and WOWEEEE it is a thing from their favourite shop on was a Cath Kidston Cag in a bag! It is especially for when mum has to walk me in the rain! It is all starry so that I can see mum from where ever I am and be able to go back to her first time ;-)

Then mum opened her present from Kirstie and it was some FANTASTIC pamper products from another favourite shop...Molten Brown. Mum says they smell fantastic and she is off for a bath in a min to test them out. I am not so convinced, when I had a sniff I thought it was no where near as nice as fox poo........!

Mum has had a wonderful day. She really feels like she has known Kirtstie and Miss Buttercup for years and they all feel like they have met for a reason. She said that they may live 2 hours apart (even more when we move home to Devon) but they have all promised to meet very often. Apparently there is going to be wine and G&T involved next time??!!

I was a bit jealous, I love spending time with mum and I LOVE Kirstie and Miss Buttercup especially because they have the gorgeous Casper, Stanley, Molly and Briar for me to play with, but seeing the smile on mum's face when she got home was worth it. Daddy said it was lovely to see my mum so happy. I was VERY happy to see her. I wagged my tail a lot, especially when she gave me my present of another Cath Kidston bandana to wear....thanks mum :-)

Also, Casper sent me home one of his special biscuits to was YUMMY! Thanks Casper......

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps I was meant to be going to Buster the Border Terriers 1st birthday BBQ tonight but apparently there is a long queue on the motorway so we couldn't go :-(

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