Love Live Music

By lovelivemusic

Brothers first, Uncle, Godfather and Father

This is Uncle Malcolm (also my Godfather) on the left and my father John Jackson on the right, a lovely portrait of brothers together.
These are two of the most important people in my life and have brought so much joy to me - I am so grateful for both of them and all that they are and have given.
They are both amazing musicians, Malcolm plays piano, clarinet, trumpet and fabulous accordion though if you ever see an empty bottle around he can play pretty much any tune on them. I think he has perfect pitch.
Malcolm is one of the most creative musicians I know at improvising. He incorporates comedy into his playing which just makes you laugh, if you have heard him play, you know what i mean!

Dad mainly plays Trombone (he played front row for Queen Elizabeth's Coldstream Guards - Red coat, brass buttons and a big black bear hat at Buckingham palace). He also plays Piano, Keys and Alto Sax. He has only recently learnt the Sax (past 5 years) and at 77 is amazing! He plays mainly in the Jazz genre. Every year he sets himself a new goal to learn different things. The past few years have included the Sax, Tap Dancing, Getting an NVQ in Customer Service at work and more recently he has got himself a singing teacher - here he is singing "Just a Gigolo". Amazingly he can sing really well - his singing teacher tells him he has preserved his voice really well so a new career ahead beckons - it's never too late to learn anything as Dad says! He just keeps learning and applying himself to new things and has the most amazing energy. I regularly leave parties while he is still on the dance floor (what's your secret Dad?) Here is a Picture at Jackson Studios with Malcolm, Dad & Me from the 80's - get that hair!

I love this portrait of these two amazing brothers, my wonderful uncle and my precious Dad. Lovely to see them so happy and enjoying the moment.
What more can a girl ask for? They have been there for me every step of the way and have made me the person I am today.
Thank you Uncle Malcolm and Dad, I love you both very much.

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