Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

He corners...

...holds off on the brakes and takes the race on the final lap!

This is H on his go-kart, tearing round the garden in pursuit of speed and the perfect zoom-shot.

More fun with my Manfrotto clamp and the live-view remote release. The clamp and arm are mounted on the front of the go-kart and H was instructed to pedal like mad and corner hard (which he loved) while trying to keep his upper body as still as poss. This was waaaaaay more difficult than either he or I thought it would be. He's such a trooper is H. I still couldn't bring myself to risk my 50D. The clamp itself is beautifully and solidly engineered and is stable enough to support a full frame DSLR. H however may be beautifully engineered but in combination with a speedily cornering go-kart he is neither solid nor the 350D was brought out of retirement again.

We had my parents over for Sunday lunch. The weather held so we were able to eat out doors and I think everyone had a great time. Mum and I even managed a portrait of us together using the live view remote. She's wanted a portrait of us together for ages but we've never managed a good one until today. Regular readers will know that my mother doesn't *do* photos. However with the remote I was able to sit next to her and keep chatting and and coaching her and we managed to get a shot we both liked in under twenty attempts. Usually it takes 100+ just to get one of her on her own!

So success all round. Hope your Sundays were as good :-)

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