The second half of life..

By twigs

Busker man...

This seems to be turning into my portrait week!!

The day was spent doing some more garden tidying up until a friend popped in and gardening gave way to coffee and backgammon.......I lost big time!!

By the time we'd fininshed it was getting on a bit and I made a dash for the supermarket to get some goodies for dinner........

This guy was busking outside the supermarket - a very mild but comforting reggae style which was pretty easy to listen to. I figured that a couple of dollars in his guitar case must be worth a few shots - and he seemed happy with the deal. He even quite liked the pics!

I decided to try some PS filters to see what effects could be created and this one (done with 'Poster Edges') seemed pretty cool. You can see the original pic here.

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