A Natural Mirth

By captaincharisma


Today has been a lazy day. Foronce however, following the grandhand-in of the dissertation yesterday, I would say it was deserved.

However, there was a major flaw in my plan. I knew I wanted to blip but I had no inspiration. I tried 40 odd shots and couldn't settle on one.

That's when the thought hit me, what inspires people to study? For some it's history, others it is religion, some gain inspiration from their families and close friends, some may gain inspiration from sport or other areas. While I do get a lot of inspiration for life from my family, when it comes to work, inspiration has to come from a different source...

Music. So today's blip is me gaining inspiration for what to blip by listening to music (and yes, it's supposed to be that way up :P).

For a few years now I have been completely and utterly obsessed with music. I can't play an instrument for the life of me, but i love listening to it. Sometimes I meet up with people and end up borrowing a load of their CDs to listen to myself. I love it. Pretty much all forms of music I will listen to.

There is one song at the moment that I am truly in love with. It is called "Ants Marching" by the Dave Matthews Band. They're huge in the U.S. but have never really come over to the U.K. which is a shame because I would love to see them live. Anyway, I digress... the song is one that I can listen to over and over again and the lyrics really speak to me. They appear to have been written about feelings that I actually agree with.

Driving along on this highway
All these cars and upon the sidewalk
People in every direction
No words exchanged, no time to exchange and when
All the little ants are marching
Red and black antennae waving
They all do it the same
They all do it the same way

I don't know about all of you but I do agree with them. When you look at a shot of Oxford Street in London or any busy street for that matter, people all have the same goal, to get to a place as quickly as possible. No words should be spoken, no looks exchanged. They are like ants. I just find this slightly amusing I guess.

Plus it helps that this song has a really good beat to it. A good summer song, bright and cheerful. The DMB are fundamentally a folk band but they do some light rock songs as well. Acoustic Guitarist, Bassist, Saxophonist, Violinist, Keyboardist and a brilliant Drummer. They're a band who are slowly becoming one of my favourites.

I thought I would even include a link to a video of a live version of the song. Please watch it, I would like to think it can put anyone in a good mood.


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