Lazy Sunday

Great big sleep and did nothing all day then went out for a couple of Fringe shows.

Fringe show 8: DeAnne Smith: The Best DeAnne Smith DeAnne Smith Can Be (4.5*)
This was terrific, I could not fault DeAnne's material or delivery. Very very funny, consistent, and engaging singing and chat about her life and other random observations. The audience really warmed to her, despite her playing the ukulele. Hehe. I have not given it 5* as I did not laugh until I cried, but it was bloody good. And I'll say this (and sound like a hideous person) but on the whole I think guy comedians are funnier so it is even more impressive that I loved this girl (pictured).

Fringe show 9: Matthew Highton's Shadowed Vagary (3.5*)
This guy had a lovely flyer, which wasn't what prompted us to go (more the free tickets) but it really was lovely. I also liked his venue, it was all very gothic S&M with candlesticks and places to restrain people and shadows. Or maybe it was more Meatloaf. Also it isn't often you see a man dressed as a peacock. Anyway. Matthew told us a story about his life, which was plainly untrue and in many places surreal. It was quite charming and enjoyable, and in scattered with sci fi references (oh boy). It was nicely set up with callbacks and audience references.

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