It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Ready to cook...

This morning I went on a loooooooonnngggg road walk with mum. We walked all the way to the top of the town, to pick up a parcel that arrived for her yesterday whilst we were out.

When we got home I helped her unwrap it and it was a birthday present for her from Aunty Beth! Guess what it was??? It was a recipe book especially for doggie treats for ME!! YAY!!! Thank you sooooooo much Aunty Beth. We haven't text you and thanked you because we wanted to do it on here :-)

So, I really couldn't wait to get started. I put my apron on, chose the recipe I the mixing bowl and spoon out but duuuuhhhhh silly me. We haven't got the ingredients yet! I am going to Tesco tomorrow to get some....oh....wait....mum has just said that they won't let me in Tesco??? Why ever not?? I can't do any harm in there can I???!

So what I need is.......

9oz of Chicken livers....mmmm yummy
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil........I have a sunflower outside...can't I just get it from that??
100ml of buttermilk....mmmm better keep that away from Daisy the cat!
9oz of wholegrain flour.....sounds sneezy to me ;-)

This is for the recipe called Buttermilk snacks and I use my special bone shaped cutter to make them!

Apparently when they are done they will keep in a container for about 2 weeks! What do you think??? I reckon that there is NO chance of that with me is there???!!

Hee hee, thanks soooooooooo very much for buying mum that present Aunty Beth. What a WOOFTASTIC Aunty you are :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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