Year Three

By RobotChicken

St. Gotthard Pass

Trying to decide what to do today, so decided on St Gotthard Pass.

Trouble is that St Gotthard is not a good pass to see cars on, or at least decent cars. However, they have made a substantial attempt at a tourist trap at the top, which is nice.

The buildings look original but have definitely all been refurbed in the last few years. There is no hiding of the age of the buildings here like they've been doing on Furka Pass. These are scrubbed up nice, and don't have the fake staining that I'm sure is on some of the buildings on Furka.

I was blessed with this picture: great looking car, great looking colours (or lack of), great location, great parking, and the sun in the right place (probably). Lets face it, with all that done, it's hard to take a bad picture ;)

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