
By IzzyK


...it is an ongoing project to digitise all my photos, home video tapes & music, I go through spurts of great progress & then periods of no activity. On the home video front I was waylaid by the fact I could not find the charger for the video camera anywhere & was about to give up after a year of hunting. But voilà I found it today & am one very happy bunny!

An unscheduled trip to the loft as the cold water tank was playing up again, I rooted through more boxes & gathered more stuff to go to new homes when I found it. I've been smiling & giggling away to many of Aidan's baby & some childhood adventures & thinking you can take anything away from me but never take away my memories! Now the only problem is I rejigged my home office a few weeks ago & can't remember where I put the rest of the video tapes...hope I don't spend another year hunting them down ;o)

Was also thinking, you know how it is with relationships, how you assume certain duties by default, because of your interests or whatever, I was the photographer & my ex the video guy, guess I'm going to have to do both if I'd like more footage to embarrass my now 11yo in ten or more years time! I just watched him at 6 years old doing The Buggles & 'Video Killed The Radio Star' on stage at a summer club thingy, so terribly cute & funny!

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