Orange & green

Orange is the happiest color

Frank Sinatra

Green-Eyed Lady

Green-eyed lady, lovely lady
Strolling slowly towards the sun
Green-eyed lady, ocean lady
Soothing every raging wave that comes

Green-eyed lady, passion's lady
Dessed in love, she lives for life to be
Green-eyed lady feels life I never see
Setting suns and lonely lovers free

Green-eyed lady, wind-swept lady
Rules the night, the waves, the sand
Green-eyed lady, ocean lady
Child of nature, friend of man

Green-eyed lady, passion's lady
Dressed in love, she lives for life to be
Green-eyed lady feels life I never see
Setting suns and lonely lovers free

We all have green eyes here.

Fancy tail feathers on Mrs. Sharpie

For the Record,
This day came in sunny with low humidity and warm temps, just a perfect day for the painting group.

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