Sunday best

Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet?
Lily Tomlin

We're at the hospital visiting C. No news, still waiting, but things might look promising, or who knows! Waiting is tough. We're trying our best to cheer her up and tempt her with some nice snacks .

The news could actually be good, waiting on the surgeon's visit tomorrow morning. Believe it or not, another cell phone was scooped up with laundry this morning while she was sleepy. Insurance was secured for this one that replaces the first hospital calamity.

I took some crazy shots of Raspberry in the bedroom this morning. She was nuts, spinning around, on and off and under the bed. When she acts like this we say she has "BEES" . Max was racing around downstairs as well. Spin around Sunday morning, and she's dressed for it.

For the Record,
This day came in gloomy and dripping with humidity. So much of our country needs rain and heat relief this summer, tough times.

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