
It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it.
Julia Child

T has been at the hospital this morning early, before work. Things seem to be looking up, what they want to happen seems to be happening. They might let C sit up at a 20 degree angle today soon. Hopefully, with no headache and that would make things seem even better.

The humidity blew away last evening. We were able to sit on the patio and relax a bit after coming home from the hospital in Boston yesterday. It felt wonderful to be out in drier, breezy air instead of the usual oppressive, stagnant tropical variety of the last month.

Fyra and Nelson were more than entertaining stress relievers this morning. Fyra saves the day always for me, she's so tame. The other little one, Blaze, jumped up beside me on the chair for the first time. It's amazing what they will do for peanuts.

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