A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

La Costruzione del Titanic

The construction of the Titanic

April 1909....the construction of the RMS Titanic has just started...together with two other sisters liners, it will be the largest and most luxurious ship to cruise the ocean and reach America!....the legend has just began...

...of course we are not in the 1909...but 99 years after...and this is not the Titanic...but one of the many cruise ships that are built in the Fincantieri shipbuilding Company here in Porto Marghera,. the indunstrial area in the mainland of Venice!
I pass in front of here nearly everyday...and i felt i had to shoot the construction of these giants of the sea!
...i'll keep an eye to see how the construction will proceed!;)

"Even God won't be able to sink this ship"

A sailor of the Titanic to one of the passengers

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