A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

Fiori tra l'asfalto

Sometimes to find a blip you just have to get off the car, opening the door by the usual pavement...and seeing these colourful beauties among the asphalt cement in front of you!

It still amazes me to find and see the force of nature showing off this way...making these little wild pansies growing even in the hardest "circumstances".

Nature has its personal and immense ways to express itself and its strength...unfortunately there have been and there always be some presumptious human beings that will stupidly think they may prevail on nature...even thinking it is for good...but nature has its way to show her "anger"...and disappointement...call this a tsunami or an earthquake...or the melting of the ice at the poles...just to say a few...bah...we should just pay nature a bit more respect and attention!

Sorry for this rambling...just my humble thoughts...when looking and smiling at these little flowers...:)

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