snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Imitation Clearance?

I had some nice images for today but then I saw this sign and I just cant resist it - especially since it was in a lost corner and it seems the rust spots are pure chance.

Weird days at the moment as I wrap up a job, have to leave a team I have spent a year coaching and building, a project on the eve of launch, and hope that what I put in place will stand and do me proud.

I like that team, I wish I could take them with me - and I fear that tomorrow when they find out i am leaving they will feel betrayed and abandoned. And I hope that the managers there won't undo all the hard work...

Pondering what to do next - another job, consulting, or start something totally different...

Inventing the future requires giving up control. No one with a compelling purpose and a great vision knows how it will be achieved. One has to be willing to follow an unknown path, allowing the road to take you where it will. Surprise, serendipity, uncertainty and the unexpected are guaranteed on the way to the future.
- George Land

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