It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


Today has been MUCH more exciting than yesterday!

Although it hasn't really gone according to plan. You see mum read in the paper that there was a fun RSPCA dog show in Weston Super Mare. So we planned that I would enter! My FIRST dog show. Mum shined up my coat with the brush and I put my bandana on. However....when we got there it was the wrong week....duh silly mum....instead there was a beer festival on! Daddy was VERY pleased and I didn't mind either. I hear that a pint on a sunny afternoon is very nice!

Unfortunately there was nowhere to park (mum was quite pleased, she didn't fancy handling a drunken daddy AND me!!) so we drove off to the beach with no sea for a walk! YAY! The sea was MILES out again, but there was LOADS of sand for me to play on and big pools to jump in. Daddy was throwing the ball for me and I was doing spinny round and round's whilst waiting for him to throw it! I LOVE playing with the ball.

Mum had the chicken pouch on. I ALWAYS know it is there but unfortunately so do all the other doggies on the beach *giggle*. She was almost pinned down by a few who could smell it and jumped all over her!! I now recognise the word along with the chicken holler mum sometimes adds chick chick chicKEN on the end! I definitely know to go back then - but daddy tends to bury his head in his hand in embarrassment. Silly daddy, if he just ran to mum and sat nicely then he would get some chicken too ;-)

We spent a couple of hours there. Mum and dad had coffee whilst I had a break, then it was back for more ball chasing all the way back to the car. I LOVED it and was VERY tired afterwards.

It is BBQ time smells delicious.....I wonder if there will be any Chick, chick, chicKEN left for me :-)

Bye for now

ps I am soooooooo grateful for all the comments I get everyday that make me a spotlight star. Especially yesterday as it really was a BORING day with nothing much to tell you! I'm so glad you liked my pose, I am getting much better at posing now, as long as there is a treat involved ;-) xx

edit....the photo is much better viewed LARGE I think!

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