Live for Today


Self Portrait

A very busy day that I didn't even get a chance to post my blip! After having gone out for drinks with Tree last night, I wasn't exactly in the mood to get up and moving today! But alas, I did. I spent the day working around the yard, primarily mowing the lawn. We have a rather large lawn, so it took me about 2 hours to do just the back portion. Thankfully, my father-in-law mowed the front portion for me (would have been another 2 hours) and the hubs got home and push mowed what was left.

We had a grill out to go to with my hubs coworkers. Since I didn't have a chance to take a blip during the day, I quick snapped a photo of myself before we left for the grill out. It was a rather fun get together, which actually ended up being a surprise "Congratulations on your wedding a year and 3 months late!" party for me and my husband! I definitely wasn't expecting it, but it was rather nice of them! It was a beautiful night for a fire and drinks. As one of the fellows said last night "Drink in my hand, Good company, Good Conversation, What else could you want?"

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