Live for Today


Introducing Jonny

This is Jonny, the other cat of our household. Our two cats, Jonny and Java, couldn't be any more different. Java is a 6.5 lbs female who, putting it nicely, is moody! One minute your best friend, the next you're scared she is going to go for your jugular! Jonny is the most docile, well behaved cat. You couldn't ask for a more loyal pet. He follows you from room to room, always wanting to be near you. He doesn't always need attention, just wants to see what is going on. As I write this he is sleeping on the floor, right next to the chair. The other thing about Jonny is that he is big. Seventeen pounds of pure love.

Today is a very gloomy day. Rain showers on and off, the occasional thunder and lightning. I was out on our deck attempting to take lightning photos (which failed miserably) and Jonny was very upset with me that I wasn't allowing him outside. Rarely do I get the evil eye from this cat, but apparently this was what it took. Jonny loves going outside. He is typically only allowed out if we are outside as well since we live next to a very busy road. Today I would have rather take pictures, than watch Jonny. Apparently he has forgiven me, since he's followed me around the rest of the afternoon.

Spent the rest of the day cleaning our house. Not sure how it got quite so dirty. Evening plans of lounging on the couch with the hubs and watch a little X-files (our current obsession).

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