mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Afternoon Tea

My friend treated 'the bridesmaids' to a pre-wedding afternoon tea today in Stirling. It was really yummy! We also got our jewellery and accessories for the wedding. I tried everything on tonight and it looks fab! Roll on Friday!

I got the train to Stirling so I was out most of the day. It was nice to have some quiet time to myself. Although the trains and buses were boiling which wasn't so pleasant. I wonder why they don't have air conditioning?!

The boys seemed to have a fun day at Gran and Grumpa's house. Aidan seems to have cut his head on something but Mr Mono isn't sure what. Hopefully it'll look better tomorrow. He said 'awow' when I tried to clean it but doesn't seem overly bothered by it.

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