Clark Tales

By cclark

Jay Walking Part Duex

Another activity filled day, or as CLP would put it, being a friend whore lol !

Met up with Jay at midday to go for a walk with the dogs, Rocco and Yoshi. We bumped into these beautiful beasts on the way round. Rocco was scared of them, while Yoshi was fearless! Rocco had a moment later where he chilled out and looked CUTE!

After our great walk Jay and I had a GREAT and filling lunch. I was just feeling like I could have an afternoon nap, when I realised I was supposed to be picking up CLP from work, as her MOT saga continued and she was due to pick up her car. Turned out the car was not ready yet, so we decided instead to dine in and she would cook! We cooked far too much yet again, it seems to be a mistake we keep making! here's the proof of the feast, but look how pretty!

After that home to the flatmate and a mutual friend to chill and play some wii, I beat mark for the first time at bowling, I was intending to prove this with a photo of the on screen scores, but due to his hatred at being beaten he cleared the screen before I had time to get out the iPhone! So you will have to take my word for it lol x

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