Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

This is no ordinary rissole!

No this is not just any rissole; this is a Valley All Black rissole! Ok, ok I know it's the second day in a row now where I've struggled to get a blip, but this is my first food blip so cut me some slack. Today's excuse was that I was working from home and had a lot of work to get through, which wasn't helped by the fact that my broadband kept going down for most of the morning and early afternoon.

Rissoles for those who don't know are decent sized patties of corn beef, mashed potato and onion coated in breadcrumbs and then fried, well that's my rissoles anyway. Apparently reading up on the humble rissole this varies across the world, for example in Portugal they use fish or prawns, in France apparently they have it as a dessert with pears, in Australia they use mince meat but don't coat them in anything. Who would have thought the humble rissole could be so varied?

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