Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Follow the Tom

I've been down to deepest, darkest Dorset today, an absolutely stunning and beautiful part of the world. It's also a great place for picturesque blips, but not so great when you're driving and ironically not where we were working today.

I pretty much know my way around the place now but, as with most things in your life, you're always learning. I must admit to relying on my satnav a lot these days, although I still like to look at a map before I go to place just so I can get it into my head what I'll be looking for. Of course you also have Google Streetview now as well which can show you the exact layout and look of the place.

Today I made the mistake of relying on my satnav too much! I was ok getting to the place this morning but it was the way back that I messed up, instead of taking me back the way I came it took me in a totally different direction. So I had a nice trip through Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset and the windy, twisty roads that seemed to go on forever. Oh yeah and I must have got stuck behind tractors and caravans about five times. In terms of time it was probably not that much longer than my trip down, but the frustration levels were extremely high.

As mentioned above we're always learning, and at the moment I'm getting to grips with this Photoshop piece of software. So I've tried a bit of experimentation tonight with a photo of a flower from the garden, given it a plastic bubble look. Hope you like it!

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