Netters and co

By Netters

The wooden hill

Why does it take quarter of a century for her to go up to bed ? so much faffing about, then she needs a drink, then another wee, then she is starving and requires a biscuit, then her cd player wont work, then its too dark/light/hot/cold then it will all go quiet for 3 minutes, then her finger will hurt, her arm will ache, her hair will be in her eyes she will have lost something, then she will fall out of bed, twice and finally she will sob that she is tired.

This will all be after I very kindly read yet another boring story about Horrid Henry or one of the dreadful Mr Men books or the wonderful poems of Edward Leer . I say every night, please stay in bed, its late etc etc , but I believe I could threaten to remove her air supply and she would still have to creep to the top of the stairs with some ever so important gossip. I should NEVER have taken her out of her cot . I wonder if she would still fit in one ...

Not a very good blip but I have had a very busy day, mostly buying a new tablecloth and discussing the virtues of said table cloth on facebook :D , buying a birthday present, buying gifts for visiting people and sorting the sock pile into pairs. I am sure once upon a time my life was exciting...

Oh and today the baby did a proper laugh ! a little chuckle ! :D that WAS exciting !

Thanks for the lovely comments on my last blip, I printed it out large last night and it looks super ! I know my mother will visit and steal it, happens everytime I print a photo of the kids, sheesh, she could just take the kids !

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