Eyelash Moments

By eyelashmoments

Book Club Meeting

A former college classmate and fellow writer friend of mine began a book club a few years ago. We like to call ourselves the slacker book club because at least one of us hasn't finished the book each time we meet. Our meetings have slowed down in recent years after my friend went to graduate school in Canada and moved to another state when she finished but we refuse to let the book club die. We met for the first time in about a year and discussed A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson (hilarious!) and I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (incredibly sweet and charming). We used to meet at a café in a local in Borders but with the bookstore closing we had to find a new location. We met at a Starbucks this time. My friend and I were the first to arrive and we both ordered my favorite drink, a skinny caramel macchiato, iced because of the hot weather.

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