
By rogerthedodger

Bin there, done that.

Today I couldn't concentrate on writing, which I was supposed to do and didn't. So I wandered into town with the intention of emptying my head of clutter. I like to break out of my comfort zone (well actually I don't, I find it difficult) and took a little back street which I normally avoid and grabbed this shot of the waste bins behind a cafe. Then the phone rang. It was my former business partner, Trish, having just returned from three months in Bali (Don't you hate that?). "What are you doing" she said. "Killing time" I replied. "OK, lets go and kill a glass of red" she said. "Good girl" I thought. So we met and had a couple of glasses, then Anna, another mate happened to be passing so we didn't think we could be too inhospitable so we had a couple more with a plate of anti paste. It was a beautiful afternoon in springlike sunshine and it wasn't feeling at all like an uncomfortable zone by the end of the day. I'll have to try harder.

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