A Pic is Worth a 1000 Words.

By AgrawalKrish

I Demand

A bigger challenge after 3x3

Thought of documenting what all skills I've so far.. (in the order).
>> Typing
>> Calligraphy
>> Swimming
>> Can solve 3x3 Cube in less than 3 mins.
>> Dare for any Roller Coaster Ride.
>> Can Bungee Jump
>> Can Sky Dive
>> Know Basics of Photography
>> Can Do Non-stop 75 Push ups
>> Can Jog Non-stop 5+ kms.

What's in my To Do list:
>> Play Neele Neele Ambar par with *GOD*
>> Learn Synthesizer
>> Learn some peppy Beats

Related Read: What 10*1[0] Things You wanna Do ?

-- One may ask:
why do you want everyone to know all these man ?
hmmm Good Question.
Counter question: Am I doing this for others.. ?
This is my diary and I'm recording incidents & memories so that when I look back in time, I can recall the moments.. SO.. "You Don't Like it.. Please refrain from Coming Here."

A cool Innovation...

** Nikon 1.8D is incredibly fast & sharp.. notice the edges...

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