Northern Exposure

By Northern

Long view

Not a very exciting pic today, I was too busy trying to not stop so much on my cycle so didn't take too many pics.

Not sure what the boys are up to... they washed the dishes, cut the grass, weeded the garden, made the lunch... all without having to be asked. They tell me they are just being helpful. I am a just being suspicious. Still I'm sure I'll find out what they are after soon enough. Maybe it's just that they've still got a week of summer holidays left and are making the most of it.

Took Ru up to local cycle club's weekly time trial this evening. He's been talking about doing it for a while but was dithering as he doesn't have a road bike. The guys at the club convinced him to give it a go anyway and he did really well. Did the 5 mile run in just over 22minutes, which they said for a first time on a mountain bike was pretty good going. They also convinced him to sneak his dad's road bike out... he's working late, he'll never know it's gone... and use that next week.

More worrying, they have almost convinced me to give it a go next week.

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