
Temptation comes in many guises, and as I stood in line for the cheapest and quickest cup of coffee possible at Peter's Yard, this display was today's "Go on, why don't you", one.
That I managed to resist, is a sure indication of my supreme resolve to inhabit a different sort of body.

The slowness of service at this cafe and hence the length of temptation is legendary. I imagine it is perfectly possible to qualify for your old age pension while waiting to be served.
As for synchronising the eating of any gastronomic delight with your coffee, forget it, the cake has long gone down the hatch before the arrival of the beverage at the table.

Nevertheless the place holds a certain magnetism for me since I can sit outside and watch the world passing by: the locals, the tourists, the cyclists, the pram pushers, the old and infirm, the young and active, the famous, and the infamous- all of the South Side migrating into and out of the city centre. But strangely enough, there is seldom anyone I actually know.

Lunch time saw another Fringe performance, this one recommended by the lady who stood behind me in the queue for the Ruby Wax show. It's amazing how a personal recommendation can put my bum on a seat, even if only because her son is one of the actors.

And the last fringe show of today is the rain, showing from the 3rd August to the 28th with only the occasional day off. Don't miss it.

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